Treaty of Paris: Questions

    Treaty of Paris: Questions

      1. How did the Treaty of Paris change world history? Not just the creation of the United States, but the knowledge that independence from Europe was even possible?
      2. What terms would you have argued for against Britain? How about against the United States?
      3. Many Native American tribes fought on each side, but they aren't mentioned at all in the treaty. What should they have gotten? Why were they ignored? What were the ramifications of ignoring them?
      4. Which provisions of the treaty remain important today? Which are less important? Should the treaty be updated?
      5. How did the amicable treaty help British-American relations? Was it wiped away in the War of 1812, or did the favorable treatment there (in the Treaty of Ghent) stem from this original treaty?
      6. Why were the British so generous to the Americans? Did they see the potential of friendship? Were the British bad negotiators? Were the Americans good negotiators? Was this an attempt to manage the damage done against France?
      7. How was France involved in the Treaty? In the war? France saw the Revolution as a chance to hurt Britain, but by the end had they changed somewhat?