Horton Hatches the Egg Transformation Quotes

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Quote #1

"The first thing to do is prop up this tree
And make it much stronger. That has to be done
Before I get on it. I must weigh a ton." (34-36)

If we want to read this story as an allegory for human gestation (duh), Horton is doing the equivalent of stocking up on prenatal vitamins, reading What to Expect When You're Expecting, and painting the nursery. When there's a baby on board, things start changing—big time.

Quote #2

They yelled, "How absurd!
Old Horton the Elephant
Thinks he's a bird!" (83)

Where's the love, y'all? Horton has changed—that's what fatherhood will do to you—and his friends aren't psyched about it.

Quote #3

Poor Horton grew sadder the farther he went […] (167)

Horton is one honest elephant. He doesn't pretend that he's thrilled with the whole being stuck on an egg thing. His changing emotions increase his complexity as a character and make him way more accessible to readers. We probably haven't experienced what Horton's going through, but we've all felt those kinds of emotions.