The House on Mango Street Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The House on Mango Street? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Esperanza feel about her family’s new house?

She is disappointed
It is everything she ever dreamed of
She doesn’t even notice her new surroundings, as her head is always buried in a book
She thinks it’s great, she just wishes they would have let her move in there with them
Q. Who follows Esperanza around?

Her imaginary friend, Berrie
Her sister, Nenny
Her dog, Spurley
Her stalker, Gunnie
Q. What does Esperanza use to describe her life to the other residents of Mango Street?

A flip book. A really, incredibly long flip book.
Q. What is Esperanza’s father?

A former slave
A white man
A Mexican immigrant
A closet Bieber fanatic
Q. How does Esperanza feel about her family’s poverty?

She’s thrilled that it greatly improves their chances of being cast on a seedy, low-brow reality television program
She is ashamed of it
She doesn’t let it affect her
She is actually proud of it, as it makes what they have been able to accomplish all that much more impressive