The Invention of Hugo Cabret Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #7

Many of us recognized that a new kind of magic had been invented, and we wanted to be a part of it. (2.8.12)

Papa Georges wanted to continue to amaze and delight people, so what better way to amp up the magic than to go into making film? Back then, the sheer technology of moving pictures on a screen must have been utterly amazing.

Quote #8

When Hugo opened his eyes, all he could see were stars. Stars and moons and what looked like a rocket ship. (2.10.9)

Even when he’s just faced down death, Hugo has some moments of pure wonder. This could be due to blacking out, or it could be due to the fact that a star and moon patterned cloak is a pretty fancy—and magical—article of clothing.

Quote #9

“…Now sit back, open your eyes, and be prepared to dream.” (2.11.22)

Et voilà! The lights go off and we are cast (along with the audience) into the world of Georges Méliès’s dreams come to life. Even as we flip through the images, we see just how much of a fantasy world he’s been able to create.