The Invention of Hugo Cabret Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #4

Hundreds of pieces of paper of every shape and size scattered across the floor. Hugo saw that they were all covered with drawings. (2.2.7)

When Mama Jeanne directs them into the bedroom and they find all of Papa Georges’ pictures, the facts start clicking together. Papa Georges obviously had something to do with the film industry, but what? And how?

Quote #5

“Died? He’s not dead…” Hugo said out loud.

“Who isn’t dead?” said Etienne, who had been reading over Hugo’s shoulder.

“Georges Méliès.” (2.4.28-30)

The film world thinks that Georges Méliès is dead, but Hugo knows the truth—or at least part of it. And he’s going to reveal it to Rene Tabard and Etienne in order to see if he can get some more answers.

Quote #6

“This is how we can find out everything. Don’t mention this to your godmother yet.” (2.5.28)

Isabelle is unsure about whether she should let Monsieur Tabard and Etienne come over at first, but when the possibility of finding out everything is dangled in front of her, she can’t resist. She needs the whole story.