

Character Role Analysis

Vee Sky

The blond to Nora's brunette, the voluptuous to Nora's spindly, the flirty to Nora's prude, the slacker to Nora's over-achiever—Vee is Nora's other-half in many ways, and the two swear they were meant to be best friends since before birth and that they will remain so forever.

But relationships with boys start to get in the way, with Vee developing a thing for Jules and Nora spending more time with Patch. Obviously there are going to be some problems if best friends are dating enemies, and Nora and Vee do actually lead each other into dangerous situations, even if they don't really mean to.

As things wrap up in the final chapter, Vee apologizes for getting involved with Jules, but there's the feeling that there is an irreparable rift between the two. Now that Nora has moved into exciting new territory with Patch, she doesn't have as much need (or time) for her devil-may-care best friend.