Hush, Hush Themes

Hush, Hush Themes


Hush, Hush is the story of a teenage girl's first love, but don't bust out the tissues in anticipation of a mushy romance tale—Patch and Nora's romance is the dangerous, forbidden, bodice-ripper...

Coming of Age

In Hush, Hush, we get the death of a father, as absentee mother, new revelations about identity, first experiences with romance and sex, and the need to make very important decisions—all of which...


While we never see characters going beyond second-base kind of stuff in Hush, Hush, there is frequent mention of attraction, scintillating touches, and wrapping legs around bodies that suggest char...

The Supernatural

"Hey, Patch, did it hurt?""Did what hurt?""When you fell from heaven?"Ba-dum-ch. Okay, you might only get that joke if you're fluent in corny pick-up lines.But seriously, step aside witches, vampir...


Since sex and love are important themes in Hush, Hush (more on those topics elsewhere in this section), it makes sense that gender is in the mix, too. In some ways, the book works with extremely co...


We have sacrifice in two senses of the word going on in Hush, Hush: human sacrifice to obtain some goal or purpose, and sacrifice in the sense of giving up something valuable for someone else. As f...


Before we even meet her in Hush, Hush, death has impacted Nora's life in a major way since her father was murdered. For much of the book, she tries to sweep all discussion of his death under the ru...

Good vs. Evil

We like to think of angels as benevolent beings, lolling about in their white robes and halos, occasionally intervening on behalf of us mere mortals when we need a helping hand. That pretty picture...

Rules and Order

The teen years are often considered a time for challenging authority, rebelling, and testing rules. Nora starts off Hush, Hush as a pretty by-the-book girl, whose worst offenses are mild shenanigan...