I Am the Cheese Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Would his secret keep him forever apart from other people, create a chasm between them? Could he never be intimate with anyone else again? (28.11)

Intimacy doesn't seem to be Adam's strong suit. Sure, he formed a connection with Amy (thanks in large part to her go-get-'em attitude), but he never really befriends anyone else. The only intimacy we really see is with his parents, and now they're gone.

Quote #8

I envy him and I don't even know him. I think about the friends he must have and his family. I feel alone. (29.7)

Adam doesn't spend much time comparing himself to other people (other than Amy Hertz, but that contrast couldn't be more clear). When he finally does, he realizes he is even more alone. Also, could the fact that Adam is jealous of the service station attendant's family indicate that somewhere deep down, he knows that his parents are dead?

Quote #9

There's something strange in the stare, as if I am alien, a visitor from another planet, another galaxy. (29.51)

Adam gets strange glances throughout the book. What effect does this have on us as readers? Is it a clue to unravel the mystery, or just a way of adding to the unsettling tone?