I Am the Cheese Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It belonged to the world of adults, and adults often did things, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes beyond comprehension, but they were allowed to do them simply because they were adults. They needed no other reason. (13.11)

Kids experience a different reality than adults. That's why our parents so often make us do things that seem insane – or don't let us do things that seem perfectly reasonable. As kids, we can't see the logic.

Quote #5

He was tired of pretending that nothing had happened, that the second birth certificate didn't exist, that he had not listened to that phone call. He was tired of faking it, being a fake. (22.24)

Adam is the only person living in his reality at this moment, and he knows it's not real.

Quote #6

I sat there looking at the clipping and thought, I'm dead. I've already died. (23.27)

Everyone in Blount, New York, thinks Adam's family has been killed because of the fake headline published in the newspaper there. To their former neighbors, their death is a reality. How strange that Adam and his parents are alive when, in another reality, they are not.