I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In daring to challenge the unknown with me, she became my first friend. (20.24)

How oddly sweet. How does Maya's friendship with Louise change her? Is she more able to give (and receive) love because of this first friend?

Quote #5

I think she was Bailey's first love outside the family. For him, she was the mother who let him get as close as he dreamed, the sister who wasn't moody and withdrawing, and teary and tender-hearted. (20.24)

Love is so absent from Bailey's life that he looks for all kinds of love—romantic, parental, sisterly—in one person. And spoiler alert: she leaves town.

Quote #6

I had been left out of their power/love struggles. (33.11)

Wait, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is love always associated with power in Caged Bird? Does Maya want the whole kit and caboodle, or just the mushy, sweet parts of love?