The Iceman Cometh Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #4

PARRITT: I began to feel I was a traitor for helping a lot of cranks and bums and free women plot the overthrow of our government. (2)

Does Parritt feeling like he’s betrayed his country justify his betrayal of his mother and the Cause? More importantly, do you think Parritt really feels like he betrayed his country?

Quote #5

MOSHER: And they’ll all give him a phony glad hand and a ton of good advice about what a sucker he is to stand for us. (2)

Mosher can’t stand the idea of being betrayed by Harry even though he’s been using Harry all along. This connects the idea of betrayal to possession. Mosher sees Harry as someone who owes him something. It’s not like he’s concerned with Harry’s well-being or anything, it’s just that he doesn’t want someone to take away something that he thinks he deserves.

Quote #6

PARRITT: And it must be the final knockout for her if she knows I was the one who sold— (3)

Parritt finally confesses to his betrayal, so why does he keep begging Larry for help?