Pry into Idunn (Idun)'s Diary

Pry into Idunn (Idun)'s Diary

Idunn's Idylls: A Blog


My dear readers, I must extend thanks to all of you who sent your best wishes for a speedy recovery from the trauma of my recent kidnapping. Yes, the rumors are true: the nefarious Loki lured me into a trap by promising me unusual apples for my collection. Instead of apples, what I found was the sharp end of the giant Þjazi's claws—yep, in the form of an eagle, he carried me to his place in Jotunheim. You can read all about it in my new book, Kidnapped! A True Story of Suffering and Redemption, available at Bifröst Books this Friday. Bragi wrote the foreword, of course.

And a note for all of those who are celebrating Loki's successful effort to recover me: Don't forget that it was he who arranged my kidnapping in the first place! Of course, it's all water under the bridge now. In the final chapter of my book, you can read how I struggled to forgive Loki, and how that forgiveness finally set me free. But forewarned is forearmed and I, for one, will never venture out alone with Loki again.

Harvest Happenings and Apple Kuken

I am happy to report that last night's harvest festival was a roaring success! Not only did we manage to get the last of the late autumn apples in before the frost, but I introduced several new recipes that caused everyone to salivate. Thor was even seen licking the bowl on one occasion (although if Sif is to be believed, that is not necessarily an uncommon occurrence). In any case, I must extend thanks to my husband, Bragi, for providing the entertainment—a very amusing new composition celebrating Thor's turn as a blushing bride in his quest to retrieve his hammer! Bragi, dear, your music was divine!

So, in thanks to Bragi and all who helped make last night's festival a success, I provide my recipe for apple kuken, which so many of you have begged for. The best apples to use for this recipe are, of course, those from my very own orchards. In addition to unbeatable flavor, they give the kuken a decided anti-aging effect!

Idunn's Apple Kuken for a Crowd

Three hundred apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced
1/8 acre of wheat, threshed and ground
One hive of honey
Two dozen eggs
One bucket of milk

Lay apple slices in layers on the bottom of a large cauldron. Drizzle with some of the honey. Mix remaining honey, wheat, eggs, and milk together and spoon on top of apples. Bake in the center of a large bonfire for one hour, until cake top puffs and apple juices are bubbling. Serve warm, with a fine honey mead.

Introducing Idunn's Oasis!

Faithful readers, today I have exciting news: a dream of mine has finally come true! For a long time now, I have toyed with the idea of using my expertise in anti-aging to create a line of skin care products. Now, thanks to a collaboration with the Sons of Ivaldi, I am pleased to announce Idunn's OasisTM—lotions and potions to enhance your eternal youth!

Formulated from the rich mud of Iceland's youngest volcanoes, mixed with the purest mountain spring water procured from the Well of Asgard, Idunn's OasisTM products will reduce the appearance of fine lines in just a few decades. One of my beta testers, Freyja, has kindly agreed to be interviewed here, to share her experience with Idunn's OasisTM and her quest for enhanced eternal youth. Thank you Freyja! So, let's get started.

What made you decide to try Idunn's OasisTM products?

Freyja:Well, dear, as I'm sure you know, being immortal is one thing, but looking it is another! We gods and goddesses have a lot on our plate, and an eternity of life's little stressors is bound to make fine lines appear. After feasting on your apples, why not enhance the anti-aging effects by trying a rejuvenating volcano mud mask or making a nightly application of hydrating hot spring lotion a part of your regular routine? I did, and just look at my results!

No one will deny that you're gorgeous, of course! Tell us, how soon did you notice a difference after beginning your Idunn's OasisTM regimen?

Freyja: Well, I felt a difference immediately. My skin was so supple, so glowing! And it was only a few decades before people began to comment on how positively young I looked. Last year, Wake Up, Asgard named me one of Asgard's most beautiful goddesses, and I have no doubt at all that your products are part of the reason why!

So, there you have it, folks. Enhance your eternal youth by visiting Idunn's OasisTM online! (All major credit cards accepted).