The Supernatural Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Was this the work of a satanic cult?" (3.203)

Inquiring minds want to know. With the Knocknaree woods being the site of ancient rituals (there's even a sacrificial altar), rumors of the supernatural abound.

Quote #2

I thought of the old superstition that the soul lingers near the body for a few days, bewildered and unsure. (5.67)

Even Rob sometimes wonders about the supernatural, although he's not the type to take this train of thought too seriously.

Quote #3

"There's no evidence of any royal burials or dwelling places on the site, but we found Bronze Age religious artifacts all over the place—the altar stone, votive figurines, a gold offering cup, remains of animal sacrifices and some possible human ones. That used to be a major religious site, that hill." (6.68)

The woods have history and when anything has that much human history, people start to think there are ghosts and spirits and other creatures living there.