Violence Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Her head's smashed in, but Cooper found petechial hemorrhaging and some possible ligature marks on her neck, too, so we'll have to wait for the post for cause of death." (2.70)

Katy's murder is pretty gruesome, and even though she's twelve, the story doesn't shy away from the gory details. Perhaps it gives us more than we'd ever ask for to further illustrate how terrible this murder of a child is.

Quote #2

"She was killed somewhere else, probably kept for a day or so and then dumped." (2.73)

That's pretty vile. Someone not only killed Katy, but stored her somewhere, and then dumped her body like a bag of garbage. It takes a really twisted person to do that to another human.

Quote #3

"There were two blows to the head, both ante-mortem—before death. […] Both were struck with a hard, rough object with protrusions with no distinct edges." (5.71)

In the Woods doesn't shy away from violence or investigating the violence, such as this exchange during the autopsy of a twelve-year-old girl.