Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 11 Summary

  • Cut to the Berlin airport. A dude's handing out fliers with the Joneses' faces on them. The Joneses, meanwhile, are booked on the first available flight out of Germany: on a zeppelin.
  • In the zeppelin's dining area, Indiana's excited. Henry says he'll be excited when they're airborne and Germany's behind them.
  • Just then, Indiana spots Vogel and one of his cronies approaching the zeppelin. This isn't good.
  • Indiana leaves the table.
  • Cut to Vogel walking around the dining room with Henry's picture, asking passengers if they've seen him. In the background, we spot Indiana dressed like a waiter.
  • Vogel gets to Henry, whose face is obscured by the newspaper he's reading. When Henry lowers the paper, Vogel's psyched. He's found his man.
  • Indiana taps Vogel on the shoulder and asks him for his ticket. Vogel brushes him off. Indiana asks again. Vogel turns around and, recognizing Indiana, his eyes light up.
  • Indiana punches Vogel and throws him out the window of the zeppelin onto a pile of luggage below. "No ticket," he explains to the other passengers, who look on in alarm. They all frantically grab their tickets.
  • The zeppelin takes off, and Vogel shakes his fist at it from the ground.
  • Back on board, Henry tells his son that it's fun sharing adventures with him. Indiana ribs his father, telling him that sharing Elsa may have been a step too far. They both laugh.
  • Then Indiana asks his dad if he remembers the last time they grabbed a drink together. He says that they never talked when he was growing up.
  • Henry's only half listening, as he thumbs through his Grail diary.
  • Indiana says it was a lonely way to grow up, with a dad like that. Henry, still going through his diary, gets defensive and says that he was an awesome dad because he never made Indiana eat his green beans or brush his teeth, and he taught the kid self-reliance.
  • Indiana says that what Henry really taught him was that he was less important than a bunch of dead people.
  • Henry closes his Grail diary and asks Indiana what he wants to talk about. Indiana says he's got nothing, and Henry asks him what he's complaining about then.
  • Henry explains to Indiana that they'll face three challenges when they get to Alexandretta: the breath of God, the word of God, and the path of God. Sounds difficult, even if neither of them know what any of that means.
  • Suddenly, the zeppelin turns around. It's going back to Germany.
  • Indiana and Henry descend through the bowels of the zeppelin and board the plane that's attached to the underside. They take off and are quickly pursued by enemy planes. Indiana flies, while Henry mans the machine gun.
  • Henry isn't exactly a natural, and he accidentally shoots off the tail of the plane. He blames it on the bad guys.
  • Indiana and Henry land in a farm, and the fighter planes continue shooting at them. First, they run on foot; then they steal a car.
  • Indiana and Henry lose one plane in a tunnel—as in, the plane flies into the tunnel after them and explodes. Then they ditch the car and head to the beach.
  • Indiana and Henry lose the second plane when Henry uses his umbrella to stir up a bunch of birds that fly up and obstruct the pilot's view, causing him to crash into a cliff. Henry's all sorts of proud of himself.
  • As he strolls away along the shoreline, Indiana looks back with a face that says, "I can't believe he just did that"—and also, "My dad's pretty awesome."