Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 12 Summary

  • Cut to the Republic of Hatay. Donovan's walking through a courtyard with someone he refers to as "Your Highness," as well all of His Highness' fez-wearing royal goons.
  • Donovan brags about their progress going after the Grail. He wants permission from this royal dude to cross his country and pursue the Grail. Well, isn't that considerate?
  • The royal wants to know what Donovan's brought for him. Donovan produces a trunk full of treasures. The royal wants Donavan's Rolls Royce instead. When Donovan agrees, the royal says they're cool—and that he'll give Donovan and his posse whatever they need, from horses to tanks.
  • As Donovan and his royal buddy exit the shot, we see Kazim, who looks after them with concern.
  • Elsa meets Donovan and tells him they need to step on it: the Jones boys have escaped.
  • Cut to Sallah driving the Joneses through a crowded street. They discuss where Donovan's thugs may have taken Brody, and Henry says they need to step on it, too, because if Donovan's got Brody, he's got the map to the Grail.
  • Cut to Donovan, Elsa, and Brody being driven through rocky terrain as part of a caravan that includes tanks. Gulp.
  • Cut to Indiana, Henry, and Sallah spying on the caravan from a cliff. Indiana takes stock of the tank, etc., and Henry tells him to get down. Indiana assures his dad that they're well out of range, and there's no way Donovan's caravan could spot them, let alone fire on them.
  • Donovan's caravan fires on them. Whoops.
  • Elsa tells Donovan that she's sure it's Indiana spying on them from the cliff. Donovan tells her not to worry about that; the Joneses will roast to death in this heat.
  • Just then, Kazim and his crew start ambushing Donovan, guns blazing. Donovan tells Elsa it's definitely the Joneses. Indiana and Henry wonder who the heck these guys are.
  • A firefight ensues, and we find Donovan and Elsa standing over the injured body of Kazim. When Donovan asks Elsa who he is, Kazim says he's a messenger of God and warns them that, for the unrighteous, the Grail holds everlasting damnation.
  • Kazim dies, and Elsa looks concerned. Donovan, not so much.
  • As the fighting ensues, Indiana steals a horse, and Henry finds Brody in the caravan's tank.
  • Brody's stoked to see Henry, and they recite a little inside joke of a song. It's super dorky.
  • Then Vogel climbs into the tank.
  • These dorks are busted.
  • Donovan sticks his head into the tank and tells Vogel that Jones is getting away. Vogel's all like, "Uh, Herr Donovan, he's right here." Donovan makes it clear that he means Indiana, just as Indiana gallops by on his stolen horse with three more horses in tow. Vogel's not very bright.
  • Indiana meets up with Sallah, and Sallah tells Indiana that Donovan has his dad and Brody in the tank.
  • Indiana rides toward the tank and draws its fire. Then he gallops in circles and makes the tank run into one of Donovan's other cars, since tanks aren't exactly known for their smooth handling. Vogel angrily shouts out orders in German.
  • Next, Indiana shoves a rock into one of the tank's guns. When the tank fires, the gun explodes, and debris flies back inside the tank. Vogel pops his head out of the tank's hatch to get some clean air—and to start shooting at Indiana with his pistol.
  • Indiana jumps onto the tank. Several Nazis also board the tank from another nearby tank, and Indiana takes them out.
  • Then Vogel starts choking Indiana with a chain. This Vogel is one seriously nasty dude.
  • While Indiana and Vogel continue to fight, Henry stages his own mutiny inside the tank. He fights with a Nazi over a handgun, ultimately blinding him with the ink from his fountain pen.
  • Henry may be old, and he may be a bookworm, but he's also totes resourceful.
  • Back outside, Indiana and Vogel continue to tussle as another truck full o' Nazis pulls up alongside them. Henry fires one of the tank's guns at the truck, and it explodes.
  • The force almost knocks Indiana off of the tank. He clings to a gun, trying to pull himself back on top of it, while Vogel smashes his hand with a shovel.
  • Back inside the tank, Henry and Brody continue fighting with the ink-faced Nazi. In the kerfuffle, the tank driver gets shot, and the tank veers off course just as it's about to run Indiana, still hanging off the side, into a pile of rocks. Phew.
  • Indiana punches Vogel in the face, then pulls his dad and Brody out of the tank.
  • Oh, and one more thing: the tank's been driving toward the edge of a giant cliff this whole time, but no one seems to have noticed.
  • Brody falls off the back of the tank. Then Sallah rides up, and Indiana orders him to get his dad out of the tank. He does this, right before the tank careens over the edge of the cliff. We see Vogel meet his fiery, cartoonish death.
  • Henry rushes to the cliff's edge, followed by Sallah and Brody. He can't believe his son is gone, and he wishes he had just five more minutes with him. Meanwhile, Indiana climbs up the edge of the cliff and joins the three men.
  • When it dawns on Henry that Indiana's alive and standing right next to him, he's elated. They embrace. Then Henry steps back to compose himself. Indiana collapses from exhaustion, and Henry chastises him for resting when they're so close to the end.
  • These two have issues.