Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Quote #7

SLAVE: Please, let me die. I pray to Shiva, "let me die," but I do not. the evil of Kali take me. [...] They will make me drink the blood of the Kali. Then I'll fall into the black sleep of the Kali ma

Okay, we have magical stones, guys who can rip hearts from chests—and leave the person still alive, and now we have brainwashing too. What other crazy supernatural stuff could happen in this movie?

Quote #8

[The Maharaja stabs a Voodoo doll of Indy.]

Now we add Voodoo to the mix. Right. Although Voodoo is traditionally Afro-Caribbean, it is sufficiently foreign enough for Lucas and Spielberg to have the Maharaja to utilize it in Temple of Doom. Plus, it ties in to the mind control motif. In the caves, a person can be controlled, or pain can be forced upon them. Scary stuff.