Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Quote #4

[A man is strangled by Indy's whip.]

Pro-tip: Don't try to do anything to Indiana Jones unless you want the tables turned tenfold. A man attempts to choke Indy in his room, and ends up getting Indy's whip around his neck. The whip gets tangled in the ceiling fan, which has the strongest motor ever installed in a fan, and it strangles him. Ouch.

Quote #5

[A man's heart is pulled out and he is lowered into lava and burned alive.]

Reminder: this movie is rated PG. PG! The violence walks a line between being cartoonish—the man's gaping chest hole closes bloodlessly—and graphic—we see the man struggling and screaming as he is literally burned alive. This scene is one of the reasons the PG-13 rating was invented.

Quote #6

[Short Round is whipped.]

Temple of Doom has no qualms—not one—showing violence against children, either. Not only are children shown chained together as slaves, but Short Round is captured and put to work, too. When he tries to save Indy, he's whipped as punishment.