Invisible Man Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Why do I recall, instead of the odor of seed bursting in springtime, only the yellow contents of the cistern spread over the lawn's dead grass? Why? And how? How and why? (2.4)

The college falls short of the narrator's fantasies. In fact, the institution is only beautified for Founders' Day, or the day on which the rich white men would come with empty checks in their hands, suggesting that the school put its efforts into impressing white donors instead of enriching the students' experiences.

Quote #8

Of course I knew he was a founder, but I knew also that it was advantageous to flatter rich white folks. Perhaps he'd give me a large tip, or a suit, or a scholarship next year. (2.18)

The narrator feels he must play dumb in order to flatter Mr. Norton and benefit from his wealth.

Quote #9

But now I felt that I was sharing in a great work and, with a car leaping leisurely beneath the pressure of my foot, I identified myself with the rich man reminiscing on the rear seat…(2.30)

The narrator delights in associating with the founders of the college, wanting to be part of its prestige.