One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph). We used H.T. Willetts's translation.

Quote #4

Apart from sleep an old lag can call his life his own only for ten minutes at breakfast time, five at lunchtime, and five more at suppertime. (86)

This statement is actually rather ironic since it is later proven false; throughout his day Shukhov worries through all his meals about how to score more food. Shukhov's mind never stops working or planning.

Quote #5

The sick bay was in the most out-of-the-way corner of the camp, and no sound whatsoever reached it: there was not even the ticking of a clock - prisoners were not allowed clocks. The big boys tell the time for them. (112)

The fact that zeks aren't allowed clocks is hugely important, and acts as a symbol for the type of overpowering control that the guards have. Prisoners can't even call time their own in the camps.

Quote #6

A zek's day is a long one, though, and he can find time for everything. (248)

Time is a bit of a paradox, or a contradiction, in the camps. Prisoners have no time of their own and their time is eaten up in worry over matters of survival. But at the same time, pun not intended there, the prisoners' days are horribly long. There's never enough time and there's also too much of it. So maybe it comes down to different types of time here – personal time, work time, etc.