Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1931 Movie

For this movie, Frederic March won an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.

1941 Movie

This movie was nominated for three Oscars and has some great actors, including Spencer Tracy and Ingrid Bergman.

1968 TV Movie

This made-for-TV movie was nominated for two Emmys.

1971 Movie

Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde is a spin-off of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde feature a gender swap from a male scientist into a beautiful, evil woman.

1973 TV Movie

A made-for-TV musical.

1981 Movie

This movie has a lot to brag about: it won an award for "Best Television Lighting."

Another 1981 Movie

This is an animated version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from Australia.

1996 Movie

Mary Reilly is a spin-off on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It tells the classic story from the point of view of a housemaid, Mary Reilly (played by Julia Roberts), who is in love with Dr. Jekyll (John Malkovich).

1999 Movie

A made-for-TV spin-off on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde about martial arts fighting in Hong Kong.

2001 TV Movie

Yet another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde musical. This one stars David Hasselhoff as Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.


A 1920 Version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Could this be any more dramatic? No. Yay, silent movies.


Audio Book

A free audio book download.



An awesome picture of Mr. Hyde.

Yet More Cartoons!

This one is great too.

The Author

Take a gander at Robert Louis Stevenson.

Judging the Book By Its Cover

An interesting cover.


Into Allusions?

This is a super helpful resource explaining Biblical, contemporary, and classical allusions in the novel.