The Joy Luck Club Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

And on that day, I showed Second Wife the fake pearl necklace she had given me and crushed it under my foot.

And on that day, Second Wife’s hair began to turn white.

And on that day, I learned to shout. (IV.1.175)

Even though she is taught that women should be silent, witnessing her mother’s suicide gave An-mei strength to find her voice.

Quote #14

I became a stranger to myself. I was pretty for him. If I put slippers on my feet, it was to choose a pair that I knew would please him. I brushed my hair ninety-nine times a night to bring luck to our marital bed, in hopes of conceiving a son. (IV.2.41)

Ying-ying begins to lose herself when she started placing her husband at the center of her existence.

Quote #15

It was not like my first marriage, where everything was arranged. I had a choice. I could choose to marry your father, or I could choose not to marry him and go back to China. (IV.3.65)

In America, Lindo makes her own decisions.