The Joys of Motherhood The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

When her children heard of her sudden death they all, even Oshia, came home. They were all sorry she had died before they were in a position to give their mother a good life. She had the noisiest and most costly second burial Ibuza had ever seen, and a shrine was made in her name, so that her grandchildren could appeal to her should they be barren.

Stories afterwards, however, said that Nnu Ego was a wicked woman even in death because, however many people appealed to her to make women fertile, she never did. Poor Nnu Ego, even in death she had no peace! (18.119-120)

According to Ibo thought, when your life ends on earth, you become an ancestor, with spiritual power over your descendents' lives. You can answer their prayers, or not answer their prayers. The irony of Nnu Ego's death is that she regrets her strong desire of having children and refuses to answer people's prayers for children.