Jude the Obscure Resources



Get to know your Victorian authors up close and personal on Victorian Web.

Art Imitates Life

Want to know why Jude is a stonemason? Check out Thomas Hardy's personal history.

Wessex or Bust!

Walk the streets and roads that Jude walked. Visit Wessex.

Movie or TV Productions

Jude the Obscure (1971)

This miniseries dedicates one episode for each of the six parts of the novel.

Jude (1996)

This version plays up the steamy side of Hardy's novel, and it features big time British actors like Kate Winslett and Christopher Eccelston.

Articles and Interviews

Romanticism vs. Realism

Hardy draws a little from Column A and a little from Column B. This article breaks down the differences and those spots where the line blurs.

Sympathy for the Obscure

Sue spends a lot of her time asking for forgiveness and looking for sympathy. So does Jude, for that matter. This article breaks down the themes of sympathy and suffering, and highlights some aspects of the novel that the casual writer might miss.


Short and Sweet

Check out the story of Jude the Obscure in about five minutes in this abridged take on the tale.

Serious Actors Acting Serious

Here is a clip from Jude (1996). It's quite dramatic (and also fun at times).


Listen Up

You can stream the entire book, if you like to hear other people read to you (though, you should read it on your own the first time through).


Why yes, there is a hardcore metal (some call it punk, but we disagree) band named after the novel.


Lovely, Fascinating, Infuriating Sue

Kate Winslett as Sue Bridehead

Oxford Town

Need inspiration for an English University town for your next novel? Oxford is a good way to go.