Awe and Amazement Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Entertainment is antithetical to reality." (3.21.24)

Reality television wasn't actually a thing when this book came out. But this line is ironic in other ways: Hammond wants his park to entertain, but by this definition, his park isn't "reality." The truth is that reality has a way of seeping back in and biting you when you're not looking.

Quote #5

"Damn those people. They are so negative." (3.26.6)

Negative people aren't paying customers. Hammond really, really doesn't want to hear criticism about his park.

Quote #6

"They aren't experiencing the wonder of it at all."

"We can't make them experience wonder." (3.26.55-56)

Hammond seems to have forgotten the purpose of the tour. Grant and company are there to assess the dangers of the park, and dangers they find. Hammond wants everyone to be awed and amazed—in other words, he wants his guests, just like his dinosaurs, to behave exactly as he has planned they should. It turns out he can't even control his guests.