Greed Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"From a business standpoint, that makes helping mankind a very risky business. Personally, I would never help mankind." (4.33.23)

Hammond is no philanthropist. He's an opportunist who believes he has no responsibility to promote the common good. Would it be better if he were building Jurassic Park for philanthropic or educational reasons? Could that even have happened?

Quote #8

"This is my island. I own it. And nothing is going to stop me from opening Jurassic Park to all the children of the world." He chuckled. "Or, at least, to the rich ones." (4.33.57)

Hammond's greed causes him to mistake his ownership of the island on paper with the control he has over the park. The dinosaurs don't give a chipped tooth for his claim of ownership.

Quote #9

"It's your park, Mr. Hammond. You didn't want anybody to be able to injure your precious dinosaurs. Well, now you've got a rex in with the sauropods, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it." (4.41.95)

The dinosaurs are precious to Hammond, but not because he's attached to them as a person might be to a pet or favorite animal at the zoo. Hammond values the dinosaurs because they're a financial investment. The loss of an animal is the loss of a lot of money.