Science Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Afraid so, Henry," Malcolm said. "They're breeding." (3.28.43)

The computer system at Jurassic Park was set up to count the dinosaurs, but the designers of the system didn't think to set the count limit higher than the number of dinosaurs they expected to see. As a consequence, the animals have been breeding, and no one has observed it. It's a good example of the hubris of the scientists, and it's also a good example of the fact that tools and technology can only show you what you've figured out how to look for.

Quote #8

"But they're all female," Wu said. "It's impossible." (3.28.60)

Wu intended to make them all female, but he didn't test the process. He didn't consider even the known science on animal biology and reproduction. Maybe he was in a rush because Hammond wanted results as quickly as possible so that he could, you know, make money as quickly as possible.

Quote #9

"Any you never thought to investigate why?"

"Well, we just assumed…." (3.29.16-17)

Just assuming is seldom a good idea. In this case, it's downright negligent. Who builds an amusement park with real live dinosaurs based primarily on assumptions that everything will turn out fine?