Kidnapped Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Kidnapped, 1948

Starring Roddy McDowell, better known as Dr. Cornelius from Planet of the Apes.

Kidnapped, 1971

This one stars Michael Caine (you know, Alfred from The Dark Knight) as Alan Breck.

Kidnapped, 1986


Kidnapped, 1995

Relatively recent TV production.

Kidnapped, 2005

Really recent TV production.


Full Text

The full text of Kidnapped for free on Project Gutenberg.

The Trial of James Stewart in Aucharn in Duror of Appin, for the Murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure, Esq.

This is the trial document Stevenson consulted when he was doing research for Kidnapped.

A Collection of Stevenson Documents

The Thomas Cooper Library, at the University of South Carolina, holds an original copy of both The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Treasure Island.


A Photo Montage of the Man Himself

With some sort of string instrument in the background, possibly a clavichord?

A Visit to the Stevenson Museum in Samoa

Warning: the bouncing camera made us a little seasick.

Kidnapped, 1938

This is hilariously 1930s: we love the opening horn section and the painted sets. This is the YouTube playlist for the entire 1938 movie.


Painting of Stevenson

This portrait is by American artist John Singer Sargent.

Painting Stevenson and Wife Fanny

This one is also by American artist John Singer Sargent. The arrangement of this painting is bizarre – if you're looking for Mrs. Stevenson, she's sitting on the right under some sort of blanket.

Other Links

Stevenson Biography

A brief but thorough biography of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Catriona: Sequel to Kidnapped

If you just can't get enough!

The Silverado Stevenson Museum

This California museum houses a giant collection of Stevenson-related goodness.

Robert Louis Stevenson Museum and Grave in Samoa

Stevenson died of a brain hemorrhage on the island of Samoa at the age of 44. His body is buried there along with his wife's.

Robert Louis Stevenson

An analysis of the man's work by the great American novelist Henry James.

Letters to Henry James

Written by James's good friend Robert Louis Stevenson.

Two Maps of the Journey

A look at where exactly those two crazy kids got to in this novel.