The Kite Runner Resources


Khaled Hosseini's Official Website
Author photographs, biography, and more.

Movie or TV Productions

The Kite Runner, 2007
Allmovie's brief overview of the film.


Newsline Interview with Khaled Hosseini

Not the most adventurous interview, but Hosseini does talk about the intersections between fact and fiction.

B&N "Meet the Writers" Interview

Hosseini lists his favorite books and movies. (And surprise, surprise: he does like Westerns.)

Hosseini's Guardian Article

Hosseini writes about returning to Afghanistan in 2003.

Meghan O'Rourke on The Kite Runner

The culture critic of Slate casts a critical eye on the novel.


Al Jazeera Interviews Hosseini

Hosseini talks about the future of Afghanistan.

Stephen Colbert and Khaled Hosseini

Not much of substance here except Stephen Colbert's description of book clubs.

Khaled Hosseini on Writing

Hosseini talks about his craft. Plus, there's a peppy drum solo.

Khaled Hosseini on Narrative Choices

Hosseini talks about how novels dictate their own paths.

Hosseini on Exile and Return

Hosseini talks about his watan (homeland) and why he hasn't moved back to Afghanistan.

Khaled Hosseini on What's Real

Hosseini talks about sources for characters and setting.

The Afghan Response and Allegory

Hosseini talks about the Afghan response to his work. His defense? It's all allegory, man.


NPR Interview with Hosseini

We think this is the most illuminating interview with Hosseini.

Fresh Air

NPR's Terry Gross interviews Hosseini about his novel.

Afghans Face Uncertain Future

An NPR Talk of the Nation episode: "In Afghanistan today, many people live in poverty, and must endure shortages of food, water and electricity. Khaled Hosseini, author of Kite Runner, talks about his recent trip to Afghanistan, and the fear among Afghanis that – six years after the U.S. invasion – they will be forgotten."

BBC Interview with Hosseini

In this longish audio clip, readers ask Khaled Hosseini some tough questions.


Kite Fighting Returns to Afghanistan

This slideshow from the NY Times commemorates the return of kite fighting.

Hosseini in Afghanistan

A photo of the author with some children (and livestock) Afghanistan.