Kramer vs. Kramer Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Kramer vs. Kramer.

Quote #1

JOANNA: Don't make me go in there. If you do, I swear, one day next week, maybe next year, I don't know, I'll go right out the window.

TED: Oh, please. Now, come on.

Ted's dismissive reaction to Joanna's admission that she's at the point where she might jump out the window of their high-rise apartment to escape her bad marriage illustrates Joanna's point. Ted just doesn't take her seriously.

Quote #2

TED: Look, the fact is, for the last six months, I've been spitting blood to get this agency one of the biggest accounts it's ever had, and at 5:00 this afternoon, we got the account! At 8:00, I'm walking home with the vice president who tells me I'm going to be the next Creative Director of this department. I come through this door to share with my wife what's probably going to be one of the five best days of my life, and she looks at me, cool as a cucumber, and tells me she doesn't want to live with me anymore! Can't you understand what she's done to me?

MARGARET: Yeah, she loused up one of the five best days of your life.

Rock on, Margaret. Ted's wife has just left him, and he's complaining about how that messed up his day, how that inconvenienced him. He sounds like a kid because he's acting like one—and he's making it clear how he views his and Joanna's roles in their marriage.

Quote #3

TED: You know sometimes you and your friends don't get along, and you have a fight?

BILLY: Uh huh.

TED: And you wanna go off and be by yourself for a little while, right?


TED: Well, sometimes, Mommy and Daddy don't get along and, you know, one of them wants to go off and be by themselves for a while, so that's what happened with Mommy.

BILLY: When is Mommy coming back?

TED: Soon. Very soon.

Um, no. No, she's not. When Joanna first leaves, Ted thinks it's temporary, despite the fact that Joanna tells him in no uncertain terms that it isn't and even leaves her keys and checkbook behind. He doesn't understand the severity of the situation because he hasn't noticed how rotten his marriage was. Apparently it was working just fine for him.