John Shaunessy (Howard Duff)

Character Analysis

Attorney John Shaunessy is one tough, whiskey-filled cookie. He may be gruff, and he may fight dirty if he has to, but you definitely want him to be on your side of the court room. Most importantly, Shaunessy keeps it real with Ted because Shaunessy's been here before, most likely dozens and dozens of times:

SHAUNESSY: Now, how old is the child again?

TED: Uh, my son is seven.

SHAUNESSY: Oh, that's tough.

TED: Why?

SHAUNESSY: Well, in most cases involving a child that young, that court tends to side with the mother.

TED: But she signed over custody.

SHAUNESSY: I'm not saying we don't have a shot, but it won't be easy.

He's straightforward, but he's no slouch. When Joanna's attorney raises the gender issue early on, Shaunessy reacts immediately:

SHAUNESSY: Motherhood. They're going right for the throat.

Because he's a seasoned, if not hardened, pro at this, Shaunessy knows the stakes, and he fights hard on Ted's behalf to earn the $15,000 that Ted's paying him. In fact, sometimes he fights a little harder than Ted would like. Watch how he tears into Joanna on the stand one final time, after he's already pried into her love life to try to make a disparaging point about her steadiness as a parent:

SHAUNESSY Your honor, I would like to ask what this model of stability and respectability has ever succeeded at. Were you a failure at the one more important personal relationship in your life?

JOANNA: It did not succeed.

SHAUNESSY: Not "it," Mrs. Kramer, you. Were you a failure at the one most important relationship in your life? Were you?!

Ted shakes his head at Joanna and mouths "No."

Joanna smiles weakly and mouths "Yes."

ATKINS: Is that a "yes," Mrs. Kramer?

Joanna nods.

SHAUNESSY: No further questions.

That was brutal. Even Ted thinks so, and he reacts immediately:

TED: Did you have to be so rough on her?

SHAUNESSY: Do you want the kid or don't you?

The way Shaunessy sees it, he's just doing his job. His mission is to help Ted win custody of his kid, and if that means smacking a witness around verbally, so be it. He's not a monster, though, and he's not reduced to the tired stereotype of money-grubbing lawyer, either. After Ted loses in court and wants to appeal the judge's ruling at any cost—even though he can't afford it—instead of saying, "Cool! Get your checkbook! Let's get 'em!" Shaunessy gives Ted a reality check:

SHAUNESSY: This time it'll be Billy that pays. I'll have to put him on the stand.

TED: You can't do that. No, I don't want to do that.

(Ted fights back tears).

TED: Thanks very much for your time. I'm gonna take a walk.

Ted never comes back. Shaunessy knows Ted's not going to come back. And while we don't know what happens next, we're fairly certain that Shaunessy lights another cigarette, continues sipping his whiskey neat, and carries on with his day.

Okay, there's probably a huge, rare steak involved, too. Just a guess.