Lady Chatterley's Lover Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"One was less in love with the boy afterwards, and a little inclined to hate him, as if he had trespassed on one's privacy and inner freedom. For, of course, being a girl, one's whole dignity and meaning in life consisted in the achievement of an absolute, a perfect, a pure and noble freedom" (1.13)

A girl just needs to be free—or at least, she does until she meets Mellors. Virginity is important to Connie because it represents freedom.

Quote #2

His importance as son of Sir Geoffrey, and child of Wragby, was so ingrained in him, he could never escape it. (1.34)

Clifford is trapped by his family's dignity, and he likes it. He's not interested in backpacking through South Asia to find himself. All he wants to do is live up to his family's name.

Quote #3

"That's why having a son helps; one is only a link in a chain," he said. Connie was not keen on chains, but she said nothing. (5.29-30)

Connie doesn't want to be just a womb to gestate Wragby's heir; Clifford wants her to be exactly that. No wonder they're so miserable together.