Lady Chatterley's Lover Theme of Sex

Finally, the dirty bits. And they're pretty dirty. But as tempting as it is to giggle about the insane way that Lawrence describes sex in Lady Chatterley's Lover, we should also look at the way he uses it to express his philosophical ideas. This isn't 50 Shades of Grey: there's a lot more philosophy and a lot less spanking. Sex is a way—the way—for two people to connect. It fights back against the uncaring harshness of the modern world, and it restores some little bit of beauty and realness to life. Good sex gives you more than just bragging rights. It gives you wholeness.

Questions About Sex

  1. Is Lady Chatterley's Lover just pornography by a different name?
  2. What function does sex serve in the book? Is it supposed to titillate, or is the sexiness secondary to its real function?
  3. Compare the sex Connie has with Michaelis to the sex she has with Mellors. What makes the two experiences different?
  4. What is the relationship of sex to the body? Is it possible to have a fulfilling sexual life and also have a life of the mind?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In Lady Chatterley's Lover, the sex is secondary to the relationship. Connie and Mellors would have fallen in love even if they had never had sex.

D. H. Lawrence's descriptions of sex are gratuitous. The novel does not need such detailed renditions of the sex act.