The Lady with the Dog Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph). We used Constance Garnett's translation.

Quote #4

Gurov told her that he came from Moscow, that he had taken his degree in Arts, but had a post in a bank; that he had trained as an opera-singer, but had given it up, that he owned two houses in Moscow. (1.17)

It's clear that Gurov feels stifled in his existing life; contrast his passion for the arts with his job at a bank.

Quote #5

As he got into bed he thought how lately she had been a girl at school, doing lessons like his own daughter. (1.18)

The age difference doesn't escape Gurov's notice. Compare this passage to the one at the story's conclusion, when he again considers Anna's age in light of his own.

Quote #6

The solitary candle burning on the table threw a faint light on her face, yet it was clear that she was very unhappy. (2.13)

This line is later echoed when Gurov leaves Anna in the theatre in S. Anna is persistently characterized by this constant unhappiness, both before and after she falls in love with Gurov.