Light in August Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Perhaps he realised that he could not escape. Anyway, he stayed, watching the two creatures that struggled in the one body like two moon-gleamed shapes. (12.21)

Christmas represents himself as at the mercy of these competing versions of himself. There's no room for agency or free will here.

Quote #5

[H]e believed with calm paradox that he was the volitionless servant of the fatality in which he believed that he did not believe. He was saying to himself I had to do it already in the past tense; I had to do it. She said so herself. (12.21)

Christmas chalks up the murder to his destiny and fate – as a black man, he sees himself as doomed to depravity.

Quote #6

I have never got outside that circle. I have never broken out of the ring of what I have already done and cannot ever undo. (14.50)

Joe Christmas realizes that he's been traveling his entire life, but still has yet to reach any clarity or insight about his identity.