The Man in the Iron Mask Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Who knows? that dew was, perhaps, the first tears that had ever fallen from the eyes of Aramis! (51.61)

This can be seen as proof that Aramis really did love his friend Porthos.

Quote #8

"Never have I suffered so much as now; because then I hoped, I desired,- now I have nothing to wish for; because this death drags away all my joy into the tomb; because I can no longer dare to love without remorse." (60.22)

Although La Valliere does not love Raoul, she suffers from his death just as much as he suffered from her infidelity.

Quote #9

"I love madly, I love to the point of coming to tell it, impious as I am, over the ashes of the dead; and I do not blush for it,- I have no remorse on account of it. This love is a religion. Only, as hereafter you will see me, alone, forgotten, disdained; as you will see me punished with that with which I am destined to be punished, spare me in my ephemeral happiness, leave it to me for a few days, for a few minutes. Now, even at the moment I am speaking to you perhaps it no longer exists. My God! This double murder is perhaps already expiated!" (60.25)

La Valliere is in a pickle. She's caused the death of two men but still ardently loves the King, who she can tell is soon going to move on to a new mistress. This makes her one of the novel's most tragic characters.