The Man in the Iron Mask Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

D'Artagnan raised himself up, looking round with a wandering eye. He saw Fouquet on his knees, with his wet hat in his hand, smiling upon him with ineffable sweetness. "You are not gone, then?" cried he. (40.47)

A less honorable man would have run away. This is an indication of the type of hold the concept of "honor" has over these men.

Quote #8

"We shall gain the consciousness, Monsieur, of not having made eighty of the King's Guards retire before two rebels. If I listened to your advice, Monsieur, I should be a dishonored man; and by dishonoring myself I should dishonor the army. Forward, men!" (48.122)

Even if the captain would have liked to stand down, honor dictates that eighty men cannot retreat before two.

Quote #9

"Captain," said Biscarrat, "I beg to be allowed to march at the head of the first platoon."

"So be it," replied the captain; "you have all the honor of it. That is a present I make you." (48.124 – 48.125)

It is an honor to be the first to die in battle.