The Masque of the Red Death Resources


"The Masque of the Red Death"

Read the story online.

Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore

Check out the wicked cool Poe Society of Baltimore page, with Poe's collected works, a timeline, a bunch of articles, and more.

Poe Museum

The Poe Museum's website, which contains biographical information, "death theories," and more.

Movie or TV Productions

The Masque of the Red Death, 1964

A 1horror classic (with Vincent Price) that takes some rather serious liberties with the plot of the story.

The Masque of the Red Death, 1989

A remake of the Vincent Price film that stays just as far from the plot of the story as Price's movie.

Historical Documents

Poe's Theory of Writing

Read Poe's essay "The Philosophy of Composition," in which he outlines his theory of "effect."

"The Mask of the Red Death" Original

The original print of the story (with the original title), in the 1842 version of Graham's Magazine


Dance of Death
See the climactic scene from Vincent Price's movie remaking of the story.


"The Masque of the Red Death" read aloud

Hear a creepy reading of the story by The Cabinet Productions.

"The Masque of the Red Death" by Crimson Glory

Hear a song inspired by the story, performed by Crimson Glory, an '80s American metal band.