Matilda The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Because we are playing with mysterious forces, my child, that we know nothing about. I do not think they are evil. They may be good. They may even be divine. But whether they are or not, let us handle them carefully." (16.7)

Wise words, Miss Honey. While Matilda is too excited to stop to think about the hows and whys of her power, where it came from or why she got it, Miss Honey is taking a bit more of a cautious approach. When you're dealing with the supernatural, it's better to be safe than sorry. Or so they say.

Quote #8

Her plan for helping Miss Honey was beginning to form beautifully in her mind. She had it now in almost every detail, but in the end it all depended upon her being able to do one very special thing with her eye-power. She knew she wouldn't manage it right away, but she felt fairly confident that with a great deal of practise and effort, she would succeed in the end. (19.3)

Matilda wouldn't be Matilda if she didn't use her powers for good. (And to punish the wicked, of course.) Even though Miss Honey is worried about Matilda using her powers, we're betting she's grateful for them when they get her out from under the Trunchbull's evil control.

Quote #9

Now for the difficult one, she thought. But if I have the power to push, then surely I also have the power to lift? It is vital I learn how to lift it. I must learn how to lift it right up into the air and keep it there. It is not a very heavy thing, a cigar. (19.8)

Hey, Matilda says, if I can push an object, well surely I can lift it. It's only logical. Of course none of this is logical. It's telekinesis. It's a miracle.