Methought I Saw my Late Espoused Saint (Sonnet 23) Resources


Methought I Saw a Poem

Get your "Methought" on with this version of the poem, brought to you by the University of Toronto's Representative Poetry Online.

Espoused Saints Abound

Here's another online edition, this one through Dartmouth's Milton Reading Room, with very thorough notes. You'll also find links to some other Milton poems and to scholarly research, if you were hoping to geek out on the guy.

John Milton and Seventeenth-Century Culture

This excellent exhibit from the University of South Carolina's Rare Books and Manuscripts Library places Milton in the context of seventeenth-century British politics and culture, both of which had a huge impact on his poetry. It provides images of some of the first publications of his work and explores Milton's role as a political and religious commentator and pamphleteer involved in the domestic and political controversies of his day. What can we say? The guy would have rocked the vote for sure.

Milton at

Looking for a concise bio of your new favorite poet? Here's your page. Plus links to commentary on his work by near-contemporaries, information on related poets, and selected poems.


Everything Sounds Better in an British Accent

So listen to Sonnet 23, introduced by famous Brit, Sir John Gielgud, and read aloud by the awesome Shakespearean actor, Ian Richardson.


"Methought I Heard my Late Espoused Saint"

Scroll down to download the audio file, and own forever this awesome poem. Or as long as your computer's hard drive lasts, that is.


"Alcestis Sacrifices Herself for Admetus"

We know you're dying for a visual to accompany the poem's first simile, so here you go. Take a peek at German painter Heinrich Füger's take on the myth.

A Portrait of Milton

Looking pretty dour if you ask Shmoop. Cheer up, Johnny!


Complete Poems and Essential Prose

A Milton anthology for the obsessed among us.

The Riverside Milton

This one's the standard, scholarly edition, in case any of you are aiming for elbow patches.