Midwinterblood Epilogue Summary

My Spirit Is Crying for Leaving

  • Back in good old 2073, things are still not going so well for Eric Seven.
  • He's being held down on the stone table. He will be sacrificed—he understands now that this has all happened before.
  • But this doesn't mean he wants it to happen again. Nope.
  • He sees Merle's face and things just make sense. Of course he's lived other lives. It's something he's always wondered about. Why is he Eric Seven and not someone else? Now he realizes that he was someone else—a whole bunch of them.
  • Tor and the others are trying to get together a blood sacrifice just like King Eirikr did. Then, people will be able to have kids again. Hmmm… we're not so sure that will work.
  • Henrik is standing in Gunnar's role—the executioner—and he raises the knife up, but Merle interjects.
  • She should be the one to kill Eric. After all, she was born on the island, so she should bring the children back.
  • Yeah, Tor says, that sounds like a good idea. Nice plan.
  • Eric is pretty freaked out. Is this how he's going to die?
  • Merle brings the knife down, but she doesn't stab Eric—instead she slashes at the people holding him down on the table, and then she slices at Tor and Henrik's faces.
  • She drops the knife and tells Eric to run.
  • The islanders are in chaos. Tor tries to tell them what to do, but Merle has slashed his throat, so now he's lying on the table gushing blood everywhere.
  • Eric and Merle run outside and she leads him toward the shore where she has a boat that they can use as their getaway car.
  • Merle is thrilled. She just knew it was Eric; she understood who he was.
  • But weren't you still drinking the tea? Eric asks.
  • Nope—Merle stopped sipping it months ago; she's been pretending.
  • When they reach the boat, there are more folks from the island there. The two of them can't fight them off, and the islanders grab hold of Eric and Merle and drag them back to the stone table.
  • There, Tor is bleeding. Henrik's face is gushing, too, but he's found the knife again.
  • The islanders shove Merle and Erik onto the table. Eric calls out to Merle—he tells her to remember swimming in the sea, that perfect moment together.
  • Suddenly, they are both calm. They understand. In those perfect, beautiful moments, they can be saved; those moments have made their lives worth living.
  • Merle closes her eyes and dreams of swimming with Eric. She doesn't see or hear anything else, not even Henrik bringing down that super sharp knife.
  • As they lie together on the stone table, their blood oozes out and mixes; it flows down into the earth and touches the soil of Blessed Island.
  • But none of that matters now. There's nothing in the entire world except the two of them and their love. In fact, they are no longer in love—in death, they become love itself.
  • And this is another journey. One they can take together.