Midwinterblood Part 2, Chapter 3 Summary

  • That night, Edward and his team are eating dinner at the Wardhouse, which is the only place for out-of-town visitors to stay.
  • The island, Edward notes, is pretty darn awesome—not only is it a lovely place, it has all the crops and livestock that the people need to support themselves. Pretty sweet.
  • Edward felt a little badly about how much they were paying the landlord at the Wardhouse—he'd barely asked for anything for rent—but when he had offered the old man more money, he wouldn't hear of it.
  • Besides, they were glad to get visitors there on Blessed Island. The population has been dropping over the last few years and not many babies are being born lately, which stands to be a problem.
  • Edward thinks he might like to retire to a place like this one day. Or maybe not. It's an amazing little island, but it's also a little odd. Just that morning, Edward saw someone cutting hay with a scythe. Don't they know it's 2011, not 1911?
  • Of course, the whole sun thing is a huge issue. All summer the sun never goes down, and in winter, Edward guesses, it's always dark. That will really mess with your sleep.
  • The archeological team has been given two weeks to dig in this meadow on Blessed Island. They're already one week in and they've found nothing in the two trenches, so it's time to shake things up.
  • Isabella suggests that they try digging up one of the mounds in the field. It's highly unorthodox to just dig anywhere willy-nilly, but it might be worth a shot; Edward says he'll think about it because he's getting a bit desperate.
  • Then someone brings up Eric. Nancy thinks he's a bit creepy because of the toy hare, Mat doesn't want to say anything mean, and Isabella remarks that his eyes are a bit funny—like "he knows everything, but is saying nothing."
  • Huh, Edward thinks. She is kind of right.