Million Dollar Baby Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Million Dollar Baby.

Quote #1

FRANKIE: I don't train girls.

MAGGIE: Maybe you should. People see me fight say I'm pretty tough.

FRANKIE: Girlie, tough ain't enough.

Maggie's dogged in her pursuit of Frankie as a trainer, and ol' Frankie's just as resolute to say "Um, no."

Quote #2

DANGER: And I challenge "The Motor City Cobra," Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns, to fight me for the Welterweight Championship of the whole world!

If boxing skills didn't matter, and all it took was dedication and heart to be the best, Danger would be the welterweight championship of the whole gosh darn universe.

Quote #3

FRANKIE: Don't call me boss, now. I'm not your boss, and don't you be calling me that.

MAGGIE: If I stop calling you Boss, will you train me?


MAGGIE: Then I might as well just keep calling you it!

When it comes to having Frankie in her corner, Maggie literally won't take "No" for an answer.