Million Dollar Baby Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why is Maggie so crazy about boxing? How would the story change if Maggie's sport of choice wasn't boxing?
  2. How would you describe Frankie's relationship with God? What do you think he's praying for at all of those services he attends?
  3. Some critics' reviews of Million Dollar Baby were colored by their personal feelings on assisted suicide. Is that responsible criticism? What's the purpose of art?
  4. Why does Frankie finally give in and work with Maggie?
  5. Is Scrap a wizard? Seriously; how does he manage to always be in the right place at the right time? Does it make sense, or is it distracting?
  6. Where do you think Frankie is, soul-wise, at the end of the movie? Did he lose it, like Father Horvak said? Did he find peace? Lemon pie?
  7. How does the movie use boxing as a metaphor for life?
  8. Is Father Horvak a good priest? Does he have more of a duty to his faith or his faithful (Like Frankie)?
  9. Million Dollar Baby's monstrous plot twist ignited controversy when some critics chose to reveal it in their reviews. Is it ever okay for a critic to spoil a movie in their review?
  10. If Maggie asked you to do what she asked Frankie to do, what would you do?