Missing May Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When I was younger, either Ob or May would walk me out to the road and stand there freezing with me in the dark, making me stomp my feet to keep the blood circulating till the lights of the bus would finally bounce off the trees up the ridge and somebody could hand me over to the roaring heater of Number 56. (2.4)

Aunt May and Uncle Ob really knew how to treat Summer like a little girl when she was a kid. They took care of her and made sure that she felt loved and secure in her new home.

Quote #2

So here we are now, two months later in the heart of dark February, with May slipping in, Ob slipping out, and Cletus and me just grabbing at anything we can save. (3.27)

Growing up isn't always so much fun, especially when it means that you have to start thinking about how to keep your family together. Summer sure does miss the days when both Aunt May and Uncle Ob took care of everything for her.

Quote #3

I think I must have got old and heavy when May left us. Ob needed somebody to fill the empty hole she left, and I reckon I thought if I aged about fifty years, I might could fill it for him. (3.34)

Not only has Aunt May's death devastated her, but it's also forced Summer to grow up very quickly. Since Uncle Ob is kind of helpless now, Summer has to step in and take care of things in their house.