Missing May Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Missing May.

Love Quotes

I never saw two people love each other so much. Sometimes the tears would just come over me, looking at the two of them, even six years back when I first got here and was too young to be thinking a...

Family Quotes

Then Uncle Ob and Aunt May from West Virginia visited, and they knew an angel when they saw her and they took me on home. (1.5)

Abandonment Quotes

When she died and all her brothers and sisters passed me from house to house, nobody ever wanting to take care of me for long, I still had that lesson in love deep inside me and I didn't grow mean...

Mortality Quotes

Only this part of her death seemed right. The garden. All the rest of it seemed so wrong, and it has been nearly six months—we have gone through two seasons—without her, and still I don't know...

The Supernatural Quotes

But most amazingly, most miraculously, now Ob is insisting that May was, is, right here with us. That she came back a few days ago and is truly right here with us. (2.6)

Suffering Quotes

But I felt like one of those little mice who has to figure out the right button to push before its food will drop down into the cup. Caged and begging. That's how I felt sometimes. (1.12)

Coming of Age Quotes

When I was younger, either Ob or May would walk me out to the road and stand there freezing with me in the dark, making me stomp my feet to keep the blood circulating till the lights of the bus wou...

The Home Quotes

When she died and all her brothers and sisters passed me from house to house, nobody ever wanted to take care of me for long… (1.4)

Religion Quotes

I needed that from her. I needed to know that dying and going to heaven didn't involve any regrets or sorrows or worries. (2.33)

Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

That first night in it with Ob and May was as close to paradise as I may ever come in my life. Paradise because these two old people [...] started, from the minute we pulled up in Ob's old Valiant,...