Morning Song Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

One cry, and I stumble from bed, (13)

Okay, so our baby's still crying. (Believe us, this won't change for a while.) Now, though, her cries have become a form of communication. Our speaker knows that Baby wants something – and even though she may not be totally on board with the whole motherhood thing yet, the speaker is immediately up to help.

Quote #5

And now you try
Your handful of notes;
The clear vowels rise like balloons. (16-18)

Now we're getting somewhere. Baby has moved from crying to singing – and judging from our speaker's reaction, it's a pretty miraculous change. Sure, our speaker doesn't come out and say that she's overjoyed. That would be too easy. But check out the language she uses – it's not a "bald" cry, it's a collection of "vowels," of language. And that language rises "like balloons." Everybody loves balloons. They're so happy and floaty and joyful.