Mrs Dalloway Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The War?" the patient asked. The European War – that little shindy of schoolboys with gunpowder? Had he served with distinction? He really forgot. In the War itself he had failed. (4.113)

When Septimus thinks back to the war, he no longer considers it a grand and patriotic event. In spite of his bravery, he believes the war was a foolish child’s game.

Quote #8

Really it was a miracle thinking of the war, and thousands of poor chaps, with all their lives before them, shovelled together, already half forgotten; it was a miracle. (4.196)

The war wasted thousands of lives. The feeling in London is forever changed by the devastation and loss.

Quote #9

"Just as we were starting, my husband was called up on the telephone, a very sad case. A young man (that is what Sir William is telling Mr Dalloway) had killed himself. He had been in the army." (6.83)

Lady Bradshaw mentions Septimus’ death at Clarissa’s party, an act that outrages Clarissa. He should almost be considered a war fatality, since his suicide is a direct result of combat trauma.