The Namesake Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Having been deprived of the company of her own parents upon moving to America, her children's independence, their need to keep their distance from her, is something she will never understand. (7.25)

Another source of unhappiness for Ashima is her children's desire for independence, particularly since she comes from a culture in which extended families are part of your everyday life. The more independent they become, the farther away they grow from their Bengali roots.

Quote #5

The shameful truth was that she was not involved, was in fact desperately lonely […] Sometimes she wondered if it was her horror of being married to someone she didn't love that had caused her, subconsciously, to shut herself off. (8.169)

As a young woman, Moushumi is unable to have relationships because of her fear of turning into her mother, a woman who entered an arranged marriage and didn't marry for love. She is afraid of the example that has been set for her by her culture.

Quote #6

He doesn't feel jealous of her past per se. It's only that sometimes Gogol wonders whether he represents some sort of capitulation or defeat. (9.24)

Ouch. It's not a good sign if you even suspect that your wife associates you with giving up on life. No wonder they both seem so dissatisfied with their marriage.