The Namesake Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Somehow, this small miracle causes Ashima to feel connected to Cambridge in a way she has not previously thought possible. (2.74)

In the first couple of years in the United States, Ashima gradually warms to American life, particularly when she experiences random acts of kindness. When someone takes her shopping bags to the lost and found, it tells her that not everyone here is a mean stranger. There are nice folks, too.

Quote #5

In the end, they decide on a shingled, two-story colonial in a recently built development, a house previously occupied by no one, erected on a quarter acre of land. […] The address is 67 Pemberton Road. (3.6-7)

The first home the Gangulis buy is in a suburb where they are one of the only Indian families. Still, owning property gives them a shot at feeling at home. Now they have a little corner of the world that they can make their own.

Quote #6

Though they are home they are disconcerted by the space, by the uncompromising silence that surrounds them. They still feel somehow in transit, still disconnected from their lives, bound up in an alternate schedule, an intimacy only the four of them share. (4.40)

After they get back from India, the Gangulis are reminded of just how different their American life is from the one they might have had in India. America is quiet while India is boisterous, loud, and crowded. Where do you think they feel more at ease now?